
Development (AMD)

Damietta Furniture City – DFC

AYADY’s Share
1 %
Authorized Capital
Paid in Capital

Established in June 2016, Damietta Furniture City (DFC) is a 331-acre furniture manufacturing industrial complex founded with the aim of supporting and bolstering the furniture manufacturing industry in Egypt. DFC aims to attract domestic and foreign investments while increasing exports of the locally manufactured furniture. 

With the primary objective of job creation, AYADY embarked on this investment aiming to develop the furniture manufacturing sector as the primary industry of the city. Through standardizing the industry and formalizing the market, AYADY seeks to preserve the craftsmanship heritage of the governorate, helping in creating a regional hub for the furniture industry and opening the export market for it globally.

Headquarters Region

Founded Date


Development (AMD)

Your Work in Your Village Initiative

AYADY’s Share
1 %
Authorized Capital
Paid in Capital

Under the umbrella of “Decent Life” Initiative launched by President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi and in cooperation with Ministry of Planning and Federation of Egyptian Industries, Ayady proudly sponsors the implementation of the first phase of “Your Work in your Village” Initiative. The initiative that aims to implement productive projects that benefit the residents of Egyptian villages and provide job opportunities for youth, within the framework of the Ministry of Local Development’s action plan to develop local communities.

The first phase of the initiative was launched in four governorates, namely Ismailia, Menoufiya, Fayoum, and Minya.

The initiative aims to increase the productivity of villages, maximize local production, reduce waste and nurture a new generation of entrepreneurs.

Headquarters Region


Founded Date